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Jan 2016
Inhale                                       close your eyes

Open your mind                                     exhale

Now it's time                                      to Set sail

To where wild things are

Just imagine ahh!                     Real monsters

Now do you see a beautifully unique creature?

Or did you cringe with grimance by sheer glimpse of each and every feature?

Actions speak louder than words that’s true,

but that hideous monster was you.

Your actions                                      seem nice

that monster reflected in your eyes, so i thought twice.

A raw soul                                             exposed

Pain flourishes because failure to even recognize


Pure and true                             divine and all

a mortal god

Not how you fantasized       un-glamourized


Flaws and scars from wall to ******* wall

Words are full of lies

Actions                                     a mere disquise

Don’t buy their decietful bribes

If you’re going to believe in anything

Believe in the vibes seeping from deep inside

Believe in their monsters cries

I Believe In what I see

I see monster’s hiding in every skin I meet

I Believe in the monster in


Just imagine real monsters

roaming free
Mikey Pooler
Written by
Mikey Pooler  Washington
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