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Jan 2016

O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦath tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ tɦat ʍaɖɛtɦ tɦɛɛ աɦօʟɛ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ tɦat's ɮɛʏօռɖ sɨʟʋɛʀ aռɖ ɢօʟɖ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ աɦɛʀɛɨռ tɦօʊ ċaռst staʀɛtɦ ɖɨʀɛċtʟʏ ɨռtօ քaʀaɖɨsɛ;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ ʊռɮօʊռɖ, aʟօʄt tɦɛ ɢʀօʊռɖ, ʄʀɛɛʟʏ sաɛɛt ɨռ sօʊռɖ, tɦʊs աɦɛʀɛ aʟʟ ɨs ʀɨɢɦt;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst քօɛt, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ aċataʟɛքtɨċ, a քaռaċɛa ʄօʀ tɦɛ ɦօքɛʟɛss, a ʟɨɢɦt ɮɛʏօռɖ tɦʏ ʄօċʊs.
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʍaռ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ ʟɨҡɛ a ʟaʍք, tɦat ɢʟօաɛtɦ aʟʟ ռɨɢɦt, as tɦʏ աɨռɢ's taҡɛtɦ ʄʟɨɢɦt, tօ քassɛtɦ ċastʟɛ's ɨռ tɦɛ ռɨɢɦt;
I ɦatɦ.


O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖ a ʟօʋɛ, a ʟօʋɛ ɮɛʏօռɖ ʍɛռ's ɨʍaɢɨռatɨօռ's, tɦat ʄʊʄɨʟʟɛtɦ tɦʀօʊɢɦ aʟʟ tɦʏ քatɨɛռċɛ, tɦat ҡɛɛքɛtɦ tɦɛɛ ɨռ tʀʊɛ ɦaքքɨռɛss, aռɖ a sɛʀɛռɨtʏ tɦօʊ ċaռst ռօt ʄatɦօʍ; O' քօɛtɛssɛs aռɖ sċʀɨɮɛ's, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ɛʋɛʀ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦɨռɛ օռɛ aռɖ օռʟʏ aċʊsɦʟa, tɦɛ օռɛ աɦօ աɨʟt քʀօtɛċtɛtɦ tɦօʊ, aռɖ ʀɛʟɛasɛ tɦօʊ, ʄʀօʍ ɦɛʟʟ's ɢatɛs tɦօʊ ɦatɦ ɛռtɛʀɛɖ. O' ɖɛaʀɛst ʀɛaɖɛʀ, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦat ɦɨʍ օʀ ɦɛʀ, tɦat ɛʋɨɖɛռt aʍօʊʀ'. Tɦat ҡɨռɢ aռɖ զʊɛɛռ, tɦat ɮօʏ օʀ ɢɨʀʟ, աɦօ's ռօt ʄʀօʍ tɦɨs աօʀʟɖ; tɦɛ օռɛ tɦօʊ sɛɛҡɛtɦ tօ ɦaʋɛtɦ ċɦɨʟɖʀɛռ աɨtɦ, tօ ʟaʏɛtɦ ɖօառ աɨtɦ tɦɛʍ ɨռ tɦɛ քaɨռ's aռɖ ʍɨst, ɨռ ʍaɖռɛss, sօʀʀօա, ɮʟɨss, աɦɛռ tɦʏ tɛċɦռօʟօɢʏ ɢɛt's sɦʊt ɖօառ, aռɖ tɦɛ աɨʀɛs aʀt քɨtċɦɛɖ, ռօռɛ ċօʍքʊtɛʀ's ʟɛʄt, aռɖ ռօռɛ ʍօʀɛ քɦօռɛ's, ɦatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦɨռɛ aɮօɖɛ աɦɛʀɛɨռ tɦօʊ ɮɛʟօռɢɛtɦ, tɦʏ ɦօʍɛ. Hatɦ tɦօʊ ʄօʊռɖɛtɦ tɦʏ sɛʟʄ?
I ɦatɦ.

©Bʀaռɖօռ ռaɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛt's քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ ʝaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ ( ʍʏ Fɨʟɨքɨռօ ʀօsɛ)
Acataleptic in old tongue means- an ancient Skeptical view that no more than probable knowledge is available to human beings.. ( meaning to skeptical humans, something that is beyond human thought or thinking or human minds,, incomprehensible!!!! In other words to mens minds,,,)
Panacea means - cure to all things,,, all diseases cancers so on!!
Acushla in old Irish Gaelic means a few things, - it means- literally darling, also, in Scottish means pulse or vein in Scottish Gaelic!!! Like my pulse, my heart, my blood,?
This poems about me asking readers of this poem, have they or meaning have you found that person who's your all? If not I hope and pray you do, because I've found mine true soulmate, best friend . My lass, darling, my queen! As I'm her king! I found my true love I waited decades millenias for, ages for!!! I got her as god answered me with her in perfect time,,,how wonderful god is as he  answers prayers on HIS TIME most of time, sometimes our time we ask! But god doesn't work on mans schedule or always on our will. God Has his own will for us, if we always think why isn't god answering us, its because he does things to the good of him, for his purpose, not always ours, as we must be thankful whether in good or bad times! And surely I can't complain, gods always helped and answered me, maby not how I wanted the answer, or even in mine time, he does things according to his will, his time, and will do it his way!  his good will for him, and us, though sometimes many don't know that, or many forget that,,

The last line that says,
( hath thou foundeth thy self, I hath,
Meaning have you found your self in new form not old meaning...
Meaning that with jane! I found me., because me and jane are soulmates! Meaning we ARE ONE SOUL!! MEANING WE ARE ONE! So when I found her, I found me, if makes sense to you, because she is my soulmate, thanks for reading...
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
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