ONE shadow ruefully told the other , it has fallen in love with, defying the logic the shadows are supposed to follow, not to be deceived by darkness or light,that creates what one perceives.
"How long we've been marking time trying in vein,to break loose from the patronizing glare of lights, that kept us slaves of it's love.Good riddance!"
Two bright bulbs, utterly tired, of burning so long,which made it possible for the shadows day dream,slowly shut their eyes in weariness, oblivious of the wild talk of the shadows that reflected a perfect vision of fallacy,
No one any more would see, even a penumbra of either of the shadows,in that darkened heaven.
Aren't we slaves of many kind of fallacies? Some even mere phantasies, unfounded, a pair of clear eyes to see truth and the method to seek and find truth, are the assets invaluable.