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Nov 2015
“When will I see you” she breathed,

after a day and one more

“But what of the plans we promised to” she whispered

can a promise not wait a day and one more

“Do you wish I stay idle while you move on shifting plans, for I cannot spend life counting and recounting sands” she questioned

sure I will be of plans in a day and one more

“How do I know, how can you be sure” she sang

because a promise is a promise even after a day and one more

“Then I will wait ‘til you’re back and your ship hits the shore” she cried

I will be home after a day and one more

The woman stayed still for a day and one more,
but the man who took her heart, never took to that shore.
And when hard years later all  men returned from the war,
She still sang that song
“I will love you a day and forevermore”
Alex Durow
Written by
Alex Durow  20/M/US
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