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Nov 2015
"I want to be someone's first choice"

You already were
since that week after we met.
You were my first
and hopefully my last
but you being my first
did not actually quite last
because your first choice wasn't me
and I never will be.

Now that I keep telling myself
that you're not my first choice.
You wish for someone that who will.
It got me to think
that you were a choice still
but realizing now
you were a first choice to others
and still you ask for someone who will
it made me realize
that you're too numb to feel

So I hope you find that person
who'll make you his *first choice

and hope that he will be the one
that you will make your own
Even though I really feel
That you should try to see
That that person will forever
and always be me.
Written by
Brent  22/M/MNL, PH
(22/M/MNL, PH)   
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