I thought I knew what missing someone was an ache in the deepest pit of your stomach that hits you like a truck - trucks hit you all at once I was mistaken.
I thought I knew what missing someone was And so I sat listening to these songs and That jumper I picked out today - it didn't fit perfect but it brought me comfort.
I thought I knew what missing someone was It's crept All up and upon me so slowly, so stealthy and disguised, our everyday things - they each piled inside of me one by one.
I thought I knew what missing someone was And until I met you, it wasn't all bad But I am wrapped in us - our clothes. our pictures and songs. I miss you.
I miss you I see now That before you I'd never missed any one person Not a little - Not a once - Not an ever - Not at all.
I can only hope you don't miss me Because the thought of you feeling this Is so much worse Than to not be thought of at all
I'm happy in this new place but sometimes I remember certain people and everything goes a little grey