the trouble lies in your thighs plump skin, of pink, apricot, nutmeg fresh flesh fetched far taught to knee, cuffed at ankle red carpet to round hips they ripple, as you stomp as they should you're a peach bottomed girl of pear tree house
she is a willow girl her legs, they wind country lanes that slim and thin less lard, longer length one music note to pink, apricot, nutmeg toes pillars under sacred, upholding the light twist of hips is there the same problem does it there lie in that girl's thighs?
your thighs are equally moulded pink, apricot, nutmeg soft and plump and trembling, still in mountains, or molehills you're a peach bottomed girl of pear house she is a willow tree girl of birch place together, women you have thighs and neither of those thighs lies
relating to the 'thigh gap' issue- as long as you're healthy and happy, you're beautiful, from your thighs to wherever. (male and female issue, despite my all-femaleness here)