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Sep 2015
It's funny because she always thought they would have the perfect ending to the perfect love story.

It started with a boy who cared but didn't love,
who made it seem like she was his whole world, but in reality she was just a pea on his plate of opportunities.
He broke her heart, and the new boy was there to put it back together.
It started with a kiss.
One tiny magical peck on the lips in the end of ninth grade that started it all.
From that day on, she was hooked.
His alluring persona and overwhelming scent engulfed her as his arms did when she saw him.
Their caring ways attracted one another, but at the wrong time.

So they waited.
A summer passed. An autumn passed. A winter passed.
He had been with other girls, and she had been with other boys,
but they always came back to one another.
Soon the spring showers started to roll around, and the two got close again.
She was interested in someone else, while the boy admired her beauty from afar.
He was entranced. Captivated by her innocent affection for the other guy, who didn't know the definition of caring.
It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair to him that she was so involved with someone else that she couldn't notice the boy that was right in front of her.
It wasn't fair that she was trapped in his web of lies, but wouldn't listen when she was told the truth.
She was bewitched by the fellow's spell, while the boy's seat belt was fastened around him, not letting him escape from her enticement.

Eventually, she started to see it.
The true colours of the web spinning spider started to peek through, while she noticed the light radiating off of the boy who's one desire was her.
After falling asleep on the phone for multiple weeks, she started to see it.

The boy asked her to the spring dance, and she agreed.
They got ready together, but she wouldn't let him see her until she was done.
When she was, she strolled into the kitchen where he was sat, and he stopped in his tracks.
He stood up abruptly, his hands on her waist, mesmerized by her elegance.
They arrived at the dance together, staying with one another for most of the night, where most of their feelings grew stronger.

Days later, after the continuous midnight philosophical phone conversations, he finally built up the courage to ask her to be his.
She agreed with no hesitation, elatedness filling her to the brim, practically spilling out of her as she saw him the next day.

Their first kiss during their relationship was enchanting.

It set the wonderful romantic tone of their relationship, that lasted only a mere two months.
A sheer two months before she went back to the toxic snake who took advantage of her kindness.
The boy was hurt. He was hurt that after all they had been through, she still went back to that monster, who he knew would just destroy her again.

But he was wrong.
What destroyed her was the realization.
The realization that even though the relationship was over, her feelings were far from gone.

It was hardest when she saw him go back to the girl he was with during the fall,
But just for one night.

Summer passed.

She was still furiously in love with him, but he had moved on.
There was not a trace of emotion left for her in his body.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't find love for her in any small fibre of his being.

He was done.

And she was crushed.
I still love you.
Written by
Lex  19/F/Canada
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