I can’t help feeling like we treat people and words like trash. I love you’s go in recycling. Tinder messages in the garbage. And all of the memories and dreams we shared together end up rotting in piles that let off a particular kind of smell. It permeates your nostrils no matter how you try to escape it. 2. I felt like a piece of garbage today. 3. I’ve felt like a piece of garbage every day since we broke up 4. Better yet I felt like I was left on the sidewalk; discarded for someone else to deal with. I was your dining room table a bit scratched up and bruised but still solid still standing. Now I’m alone on the sidewalk watching as people pass me by- Me wondering: if I still had value would someone have come to rescue me by now? 5. I still have a hard time imagining how I would fit into a new space. It seems like an impossible thought. I find the self deprecating thoughts come faster cheaper easier I’m waiting for garbage day to come. For the anticipation to end. To have an answer.