A horrific thunderbolt hit me right at my chest. Oh! what an assault. A hundred carafes of poison or the thousand rounds of bullets would have hurt less than the pain it caused when you abandoned me.
But, I tried to deal with it. ‘Move on’, I urged my inner me. ‘I am not a loser. Quitting is never an option’, I tried to pacify the anguish. It did not aid. The palpable twinge troubled more; aww! my delicate heart.
To sweep away the woe, I pact with the *****. Alas! Every sip of the nasty tipple ousted heavy flood from my shuddering eyes. I could tell you , love, that was quite a sight.
Still the heart pounding, the excruciating truth, still unsolved. I banged my liquor’s glass in sheer dismay. Sane enough to halt the bleeding from the wound, I searched the bandage. Sadly, the wound was in heart.