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Jun 2015
The moment you were born was life’s most amazing day,
We welcomed you with open arms; you took our breath away.
At night we’d rock you by the window, looking at the stars,
And we’d feel you tiny heartbeat, and press it against ours.

You’d always sleep in your crib with a smile on your face,
And we knew that our family for you was the perfect place.
Your beautiful eyes stared with wonder and we stared back and smiled,
We were the luckiest parents in the world to have you as our child.

We’d hold your tiny little hands and feel you grab on tight,
And we knew that in your heart you felt that everything was right.
As you got a little older, we’d go on trips to see the world,
And you still slept like a little angel under your blanket curled.

We went fishing and camping and slept under the sky,
We were there to share your laughs and hold you if you cried.
We did everything together; we were best friends for years,
We talked about all our dreams and then shared all our fears.

In your teenage years our friendship started to slowly fade,
School occupied more of your time with every passing grade.
You had girlfriends and parties, and we saw you less and less,
We missed our time together, but we prayed for your success.

When you eventually left for college our home was incomplete,
Our family dinners just weren’t the same without you there to eat.
But in college you were growing up in every single way,
And we could not have been prouder come Graduation Day.

Now that you’re grown up and moved out, we rarely see each other,
Work makes it hard for you to find time for your father and mother.
But as your parents always know we’ll be here til the end,
And we’ll forever have our memories that we spent with our best friend.
Ryan Unger
Written by
Ryan Unger
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