the stars I wanted to reach so I climb higher and higher till the stairs had ended but the tower continued
I want to reach the stars I need to climb more To make my own stairs, I needed
So I stabbed everyone beside me The friends that gathered around me those who shared the same dream as me will be the foundation of my stairs
I shall sacrifice their dreams for mine they shall be my stairs
as I step on their bodies to climb higher to the Top gravity is pulling me harder I get heavier
I need to sacrifice more I need to throw away more So without restrictions I threw away more and I continued to climb
Till the last step before I reached the top my knees begin to weaken the air begin to lessen I need to throw away more
so I threw away everything and I was able to reach the top
yes, I've reached the Top but I didn't reach the stars the tower has ended
Yes, I was closer to the stars than I've ever been but I felt nothing
I realized I've thrown I away everything to get on top I've even thrown my dream
In the end, I didn't reach the stars the ones I held dear are dead I am getting weaker and I can't go back
Yes indeed, 1 is a lonely number
We all have goals in our life but let us not forget what truly matters, what we hold dear. Don't throw them away to get your dreams. Coz in the end, what is success if you can't truly be happy?