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May 2015
My name is... Well it's not important
I have.. Problems
Anger management and addiction
I sometimes lose control of myself
I haven't had an inicident where I have
Hurt anyone physically in a while
Instead.. I use my words.. I can be quite the *******
I am slowly gaining control
It's a battle
Hopefully I get better

My other problem
I am addicted to a girl
Some of you laugh yes
But this is a serious problem... Love
I am in love with a girl, who doesn't love anything
Not me, not herself, nothing
I make her giggle and my cheast feels like it will explode
I want to be part of her life
Her lover and friend
*** fiend and rock
I know I could be too
Oh lord give me strength
Give me words and wisdom
To win her heart through and through
And help her feel the world around her
I am not good with words, but I am good with you.
This kinda went form being about my problems to you... You aren't one of these problems baby.
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