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May 2015
I could feel the tremendous pressure as he tried to convince me
My skin stung and burned under his harsh touch

It felt wrong
His voice was too agressive
Too demanding

I felt bad
As though I owed him this

But as soon as he slipped his hand up my back I knew it wasn't what he had made it out to be

I told him "No"
But he just ignored me
I tried to pull away but his grip got tighter
I had to shove him away as hard as I could for him to back off
I walked out
I began to walk home

It took me a while to realise that I was shaking

I could'nt help it
I fell to the side of the road

The first tear dropped faster than it should of

The next day it happened
Of course it happened
How could I have been so naive
He dumpt me
Said he was moving and couldnt do long distances even though I saw him several times in the same area later on.

Yeah right.
He only ever wanted me for *** and when I could'nt give him what he wanted he just left

The worst part was that I was so entrapped by his precense that it took me several months to get over him

And even now
I pretend that what we had was real.
Trust issues
Written by
Nikita  22/F/New Zealand
(22/F/New Zealand)   
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