Poetry by Pablo Neruda is something I was just forced to read, for english class, and maybe I could enjoy his poem, called Poetry, if the soul less bodies around, could mindlessly stop! saying; "this is pointless," "his poem is about poetry because of the title," "his poem has no meaning," and If I could focus, I would of known the meaning, or at least found meaning in it, besides the one my stupid classmates found, "just another ****** forced assignment" "we will never get the meaning of" but I know the meaning of his poem now, "It was about the struggle to write, and understand poetry to start with," and in a room full of people, who don't get poetry, maybe they could of gotten something from this lesson, but, "we will never get the meaning of a forced assignment,"
I just want to learn in school, unlike others, LOOK I LEARNED *** I LIKED THE TOPIC