Have you ever seen a night sky so clear; So clear that there’s not even a sign of the moon’s existence?
Well, I’m under one right now The street is empty and the darkness is silent No rustling of leaves or bushes, No hums of crickets singing in chorus
Window drapes are down And they’re all black instead of yellow Streetlights are the only source of light And that telephone booth standing steadily alone on the corner
Hands inside my hoodie’s pocket, I go in it I pick the phone up and started dialing a number When suddenly all the lights go out In a blink of an eye, and the world is in total darkness
Everything is quieter than ever Then the wind comes whooshing The thunder begins applauding The lighting started like camera flashes
Raindrops as big as golf ***** fall from the sky And the way they hit the roof of the booth, I almost believe they’re as heavy Inside the booth I still get wet from all the sweat
Then, as if on cue, the storm dies Quietness floods again The booth light flickers but that’s all Streetlights never come back
Hesitating for a moment, I slowly go out I look up and the sky isn’t just a black canvas anymore; It’s now filled with blots of white ink Glittered to life
I kick the waters not yet ****** up by the drains I look at how calm they are Mirroring the beautiful night sky painted I can definitely say I’m top and under the cosmos