i. you used to be the one that made my heart skip beats and make the butterflies in my stomach erupt, although now those butterflies are as wilted and dead as the flowers you gave me the last time i saw you ii. i think the worst part is knowing that you are still on the same shipwreck i warned you to stray from, that you are still so heavily dependent on the same thing that broke us, that you still love your cigarettes more than you will ever love me, or her, or anyone and that at the end of the day your drugs will burn powerful flames that will last more than my love for you iii. i like to think that we would have given up on each other sooner or later, that if it wasn't the drugs then it would've been because of school or distance or because of him or because of her but the truth is that all those pointless fights were just rocks not mountains and we could have had it all, but you were more hung up on cigarette daydreams then on true love iv.** i don't think you ever understood that when i said i would crash and burn next to you, that it didn't mean i wanted too and that while i could start fires with what i feel for you i would much rather leave you now before i become a pile of ashes