What if I were to **** myself Not out of love lost , Not out of a broken heart, Not out of lost hope or misplaced faith But out of the fact that I didn't want to live anymore What if I were smiling for so long my lips feels like they will never be normal Should I crease my heart and let my lips fall into place ? What if behind all the concealer my skin is still broken and confused What if underneath my sleeves there are lines left behind by filed nails ? If suicide wasn't in your book of survival is fleeing away acceptable ? How is that in anyway different ? Easier to say but hard to perform. For I'm so distraught now I don't wanna live anymore What if the deed is done and you find the bottle half empty Will u ever forgive me ? Will you put flowers on my grave every new year. Wishing I was there to see the pretty fireworks my eyes couldn't see anymore. Would you ever buy a white dress and know I wouldn't ever see you wear it or wear one no more ? Or would you diminish my face forever? Shove my memories in a shoe box disposed of in the bottom closet ? Would you hate me for it? Will you give my choice a definition ? Too cowardly not to go on Too scared to fall Too sick of being afraid So let me ask you again Will you ever forgive me ?
This poems just one big question and obviously a very sad one. I hope no one ever does this but stars break all the time.