There are stones between us, grasping black jagged deceitful arches of rock which have stolen my blood and my feelings and my smiles once too many times. I can look and see the waves crashing, engulfing what little humanity you managed to bury and lose in favour of salty self-pity, stories told in the drunken tear tracks that mask your face and your lies and your guilt, because please do explain to me how you cannot feel guilty, I get it yeah, alcohol dims your memory of all the awful things you've said and done and left open upon your face, slamming glasses against walls, music screaming at 4am as you stomp and kick and shout at the TV, at the world, at my sister and I. And then she grew to shouting back and never being home and I? I yearned to bring that bottle down on your ******* head and glory in the blood and bone and brains that would cover me and hide me from every single little ******* thing that you have ever deigned to commit. Sister, I could reach out to him now and try to bring him back from the seething waters, but I would much rather watch him slip and fall and drown in the glory of his own creation.