i don't have a way with words less poet more the howling fool that chases them apart my sweaty struggles always leave me blinded and alone owed nothing clinging to empty
empty spaces i call these spaces stories and like the siren that grants a shipwreck and death against razor sharp rocks i lure them in found their deepest darkest secret
every word wants nothing more than to die like a story see, i have a way with stories and i'd like to imagine that stories take up a place as the echo of love when it grows from that first enticing smile or the infant cry when it purges childhood pain deep down in the hidden treasuries of your most heartfelt of hearts me tracing this with pitch black ink on paper you committing this to your beating crimson heart we're connected with an ancient thread that even the gods dare not tear apart
see they too in all their might and glory want nothing more than the epic bliss of a truly good and heartfelt story.
A story dedicated to the struggles of poets. For my fellow HP poets especially :)