The city sleeps among its incandescence, however, she does not. she watches, she waits. Locked in the safety of her ivory tower, her pale nakedness becoming a silky glow in the dim light of the room. She is imprisoned by her beauty, though she is loved by many she loves only one. She waits up for him, as a stranger to the sea of sheets that cling to her bare legs. She hears footsteps from down the hall and questions, is it her lover? or is it another who insists to pay for her love. She works the night, a high end harlot. Her sorrow wanes like a wounded cry from a beaten wolf. Knuckles wrap against the hotel door, and she turns her gaze from the city outside the window, her hair moving like dancing rays of stolen light. She reaches for the lipstick on the night stand, and walks bare skinned and beautiful to the door.