Watched over by magnificent ancient trees though perfectly placed to capture the sun surrounded by walls of multi coloured ivy’s there lies a paradise second to none. Bright vivid colours, shades and hues only add to the general splendour yellows, pinks, oranges, reds and blues colours any artist would be challenged to render. There are lilies, marigolds, roses and petunias creepers and climbers racing down and up geraniums, pansies, lavenders and begonias grass peppered with daisies and buttercups. All day butterflies, wasps and bumble bees work tirelessly alongside one another relentlessly searching for flowers that please flitting constantly from one to the other. A wide variety of flowers, plants and shrubs burst forth from hanging baskets, flower beds and tubs providing shelter thus becoming teeming hubs full of worms and snails, insects and grubs. Birds rear young nesting in trees and bushes foraging for food amongst the growing throng blackbirds, finches, pigeons wrens and thrushes together creating truly melodic birdsong. A place that transforms long after night fall when nocturnal creatures have hunting to do field mice and hedgehogs from the undergrowth crawl while the odd wary fox occasionally passes through. Alas for many the garden becomes just another chore far too busy to see it can offer so much more never making the most of the opportunity to see what a wondrous, thriving paradise a garden can be.