I once had a dream where the darkness Taunted me, where it encircled me, Like a prisoner. I was in a cage never To be released kept as darkness's prey.
Its power over me saturated my Immaterial Soul, cracked wept with it putrid stench, Enclosing me in this place of ill fate. it knew Of the fears of what delved in this place.
I was the meat it was the vulture picking at A carcass still living, Peeling the light and Digesting my terror feeding its obscurity, It hunger in this darkened nest.
It had an instinct to hold me, to keep eyes Unseen, to grasp the darkness to keep all Black,I was entombed in this chaos. Was I lost never to find the path back.
My mind was lucid, falling beneath its Crushing embrace, but when the moment Lost, I woke up sweating cold terror, I Was in darkness still till eyes focused light.
All but a dream, all but a moment of twisted Moments of things not consciously seen, I was Fine, back in the living, till my next sleep, what Waited in the slumber darkness or light.
I have had a repeating dream of darkness surrounding me and suffocating me each time I wake I1m shaking and sweating like I`m in an oven. freaks me out every time...