emergence is an act of rebellion. our eyelids peaking open like rusty curtains as we steadily count backwards 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 climbing from our morning covers in one swift movement like the bold musketeer ready to pierce his opponent. allowing the cold to wash over our body towards the to do lists and outdoor morning mist. legs miraculously sprung to life from our dreams seconds ago resting in a field of sunlit streams. allowing forced smiles to emerge in the mirror if the natural ones forgot to attend our morning ritual. those cowards. allowing our own smiles to send butterflies down our spines if our lovers forgot to play their part. those *******.
our routines steadying us on the road outside the house into the yard outside the fence into the deli out of your mind into the grind all forming like some rapid fire kiss of motion where emerging and departing become inseparable lovers. and we cherish this sort of alchemy where our paints emerge as paintings, where our words turn into poems that string along melodies into song
for the pulsing of life echoes within calmly waiting to emerge from the gilded cage we are meant to burst open