I'm liable to forget That we all have phantoms Hollow spaces Dug and never refilled And it was only last October That I began wondering Whether you miss your baby brother Who never breathed Your parents named him John And I began wondering If Like me You sometimes fell Into the caverns and abysses that gaped From the expectant space In every family portrait And whether you occasionally lost yourself In the pregnant air inside your house That anticipated an un-breathed child An unused bedroom And grew thick and stale In it's emptiness. I'm liable to forget That we all have dropped stitches And voids And holes in our favourites scarves Our brothers slipped down the plughole But I mostly forgot about yours Because mine was blood And yours was always As fickle as water.
I'm a selfish person. I think I am the only unravelling cloth. Realistically we've all been tattooed. I did not even consider this until October