My textbooks, propped between our knees, I study how this became our hot dates and the way I get to lean on your chest makes me tingly, shallow-breathed, but I shift around so you don’t feel my heart bumping in between the stillness of our bodies.
We lay in the same bed and actually sleep; no squeezing fingers and searching mouths, but at least our clothes stay on and I don’t have to search for my nightgown shoved under wrinkled sheets, or worry about ****** wrappers stuck to my skin.
Finished with our club meetings and fundraisers, we act like weekend warriors, clinking bottles in half-lit rooms, sliding around, laughing in each other’s faces and once we’ve smoked our stress away, I place your hand under the ruffles of my skirt and kiss your neck, whispering I want you Please touch me I need you but you put your lips to my forehead, mumbling that you’re tired and won’t keep it up because you’re strung out on Red Bull and Adderall, promising we will tomorrow night.