by this my brain is constantly haunted there's just too many if's, and's & but's to consider I just feel like sometimes I'm the only one on the line, I feel like he's standing above me holding me by the thread I hold tightly. At any moment he could just choose to drop me and I've always been scared of heights you see I don't know why it's so hard for me to believe that someone so sweet and smart and lovely could ever truly want me all the stupid ******* insecurities open me up alive and spill my guts to the ground until I am hollow and empty heaving, gasping for air gagging with no relief, no ***** as physical evidence as to why I'm still hurting underneath. The ache in my lungs the reason why all my joints creak. I can't I can't I CAN'T I simply cannot tell you why my soul is so weak I can't find enough words to explain I can't breathe I can't speak I can't live like this anymore dragging around these fears like a dead horse. I used to ride, jump high and stay gold the fear of never being wanted has made my story boring & old.