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Feb 2015
you know that feeling
when you're on the train
and you see other people
that you might recognize
and they might recognize
yeah, that feeling
when you get to see
what they truly look like
when they're in the public eye
and you are too
what do you do
when people stare
do you run
do you scream
or maybe you
take flight
or you fight
as they say
like the deer do
or don't
because that works too
they might look scared
but you might too
they might look angry
but you might too
they might come close
but you might too
they might come closer
but you might too
but they mustn't do that
and you mustn't either
because that would ruin
the entire atmosphere
and it doesn't work
when the glass
is broken
and finally
I saw a person I knew from school on the train the other day. As the poem suggests, we weren't friends, and we had never talked. He had a troubled look on his face, and I just wanted to say something or ask if he was okay, or if he needed anything. But I couldn't do anything because my anxiety knew that we weren't friends, and fate had it put out for me that we would probably never be friends. So, I wrote this shortly after.
Written by
AlphaShadowK  Canada
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