I sometimes get one of those headaches that lingers thinking it's gone but it's not I feel there isn't much I can do but purge my words onto my paper asking the lines to take it away I need to put these emotions somewhere I have been silent too long and I'm hoping my mind stays on track and the head ache goes away
change is inevitable the world is spinning but I feel lost in time trying to make sense of things but there was never sense... only feelings....I feel too much...
the wind may change directions and blow gray shadowed skies over me blocking my concentration driving my mind crazy
I try so hard to change the way the wind is blowing but my thoughts leaves behind many questions and yet sometimes I don't even feel like answering with "why" or "I don't know" yet those thoughts continue
I take in a deep breath and the gray will fade making things better I just keep moving forward with my chin up its never easy but everything will be alright
its a brand new year yet sometimes I just want the days to last longer but times does fly by with no way to slow it down no matter how hard I try
I float through time just like birds soaring the sky I live life to it fullest yet changing with each step I take the steps that I make as go are for my next generation to follow
I am still able to keep my flow through every word I type or write I can feel just what and how I feel it really inspires me for this I know Yes I do, I do really understand I must be patient for it takes time to heal I can tell that all will be ok
change is such a good thing to see for without change the Earth just might stop its spin; then where would I be?