A princess stared at herself Seeing no less but a forlorn girl Locked up by fears and desolation Teared up by agony and dread
She noticed something in her eyes Saw nothing but full of fright Tried to close the windows of her soul 'Coz she cannot handle reality anymore
A prince once knocked in her door Tried to make her feel that she is not alone 'Twas a bitterly cold and rainy night When she felt the warmness of his heart
The sun rose and struck her skin She saw herself alone in the light Seeing no less but her shadow's at bright What happened was just her dream
Tears ran through her soft cheeks She was hurt by the reality's tricks What she felt was something real But on the other hand, the moment was surreal
The princess stared at herself again She saw a different girl chained in her heart Tried to unleash the stronger side I wish, she will be as strong as the mightiest tides