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Dec 2014
Should I give In and commit this act of Insanity? Or be a victim of this planet and only dream to be free? If I lose my body It shlll be a shame. But the energy Inside of me will forever stain. You **** me off, you could be so much more. Yet you seem to have lost the key to your door. I forgive everybody that I must. Wish you understood the truth, give Into lust. Why are you scared of the morbid so called fantasy? When the lie is right there and forever will be. Now go believe In Satan and your thought of hell. Destroy crime with wars and ******* rebel. To learn nothing about what Is real. And wonder why people get off to ****. The apple of life, forest of paradise. Demons In your weak mind, grlmm poltergeist, Fading away, hiding from your ****** self. To be nothing the same as always, head on the shelf. You can be everything just have to believe. Blessed be to everybody and farewell if I leave.
Dustin Goodman
Written by
Dustin Goodman  Florida
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