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  Mar 2018 PM
Kawaii M
Is it destiny or not,
For falling in love with your childhood friend?
I heard everything is caused by destiny,
But is it?
Some say we can change it,
So what's the importance of this destiny or fate?
Falling for your childhood friend is the best thing that can happen!
You understand each other more than you think,
You bonds are strong.
You laugh and cry together.
So really,
Is it destiny or not,
To confess your feelings to your good friend?
Honestly I haven't dated at all, I'm not allowed to date until high school! Anyways, I hope you enjoy my poem!
  Mar 2018 PM
Hailey James
I came across a terrible road,
Too damaged for one to walk.
I watched the leaves as the wind blowed,
And suddenly came to a stop.

Within the crack of the crumbling rock,
A single flower now grew.
Who knew that healing would come so quick,
If that healing was coming from you?
PM Mar 2018
There was once a little bird,
who built a cage around herself,
hoping to keep safe from the cruelty brewing outside.
Little did she know, however, that what keeps things out
also keeps things in.

Then one day,
she died.

Suffocated. By all the doubts and worries which were circling in the cage,
her story ended, before it had even reached the last page.
PM Mar 2018
A couplet, an acrostic or a sonnet,
golden words we treasure in our hearts or in a golden locket.

Filled with praises of beauty, brain - or sometimes both,
they get hearts racing and make separation a thing to loathe.

So then, what is it about you,
that even one simple glance or word, makes my heart quicken and renders me speechless... What is this mystery, if you know the answer, can you tell me too?
Fictional. Not inspired by real events....yet. :)
PM Mar 2018
Always, always smile at the quiet person
standing at the back of the room.
That one smile won't be wasted -
they'll cherish it, cherish the idea that they're not invisible and not alone in their gloom...
  Mar 2018 PM
Briar Ownby-Connolly
When humming isn’t enough
I write it down;
Those melodic words that play on repeat.
I put them in color or faded pencil.
Because it’s a more permanent way
Of expressing how I feel
Through the words of another.
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