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plat Oct 2018
On a silent lake
Like a hearts beat
It beats its last beat
Only ripples to  mark its last days
'Till they pump no more
plat Oct 2018
A little child
Sitting in a green field
Winter coming in around
With almost no sound
But there is no shield
Only the cold
To wait and see
For what might be
plat Sep 2018
It happens magically
Magically brings people closer than before
It's magic is it not
Nothing brings two people closer than something tragic
plat Sep 2018
Where she is
There she is
Where I am
Here I am
What is the plague
Where is the plague
Is it here
Is it there
In me
In her
With me
With her
plat Sep 2018
Here lies the end
Where my words will forever be
Where it starts I do not know
I'm not sure I ever want to know
All I do know is that here, within my words
Is the end.

— The End —