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"Romance is just an extra in life
It's okay to have one . .
But I decided not to chase for it. "
A line from some good watch.
You'll stay in my heart
But maybe, not in my life. .
How I hope,
It never gets old.
The   l  ♡  v  e   inside,
That's never been told.
" So they say that time,
Takes away the pain,
But I'm still the same."
From a song by One Ok Rock
"The one that is beautiful
Is not this world
But your accepting eyes."
-kaname (Vampire knight,guilty)
My life is active
But not interactive.
Do not pity me, my dear
I've got a few mouths to see
But none of them
Killed me.
Feelings are so fleeting,
It beats me.
My imagination is your limit, my dear.
Regardless if it's you or not,
I still believe in  *destiny.
I thought
I'm not the only one
But, I'm wrong.
And now I know.
So let's stop this show
I'm ready to go.
I'm sick of all the love songs
Which makes me feel
That I'm not capable of loving.
I forgot.
Already forgot.
The night when
Tis heart stopped beating.
Burying my face under
The pillow.
Choked in beneath, asking
"God, is this love?"

I held for too long
Timeless, in silence.
Hoping that my long wait
Will simply pull fate.
But, I lost it.
In the night when I looked
Up the moon,
You love so dear.
I forgot, the words
That should be here.
This is complete nonsense.
I haven't forgot, actually.
Coz till now,
I am not answered.
Is this love?
Or just a habit of thinking.
Sometimes I really have no idea
Who I am.
My greatest fear in love
Has happened,
YOU losing ME.
One day I was seating,
Looking at the sky.
Oh, how it felt like
I got that realization,
That my life could end
In an   i n s t a n t   today.

And  H E R E   I    A M,
With my unfinished businesses.
Wondering if life always end
In the middle of thinking:

" What could've been my life, if I chose this. . . "

. . .brought tears to my eyes,

I am free. But,
I feel utterly **helpless.
Or am I really just lazy?
Because what I've got inside
might not be enough,
like yours.
The moment I stop guessing
Is the time I ended *caring.
Her eyes sent asteroids falling,
Like gravity possessed space.
Lines from my old poem "Planet-Jumper"
D r  e  a  m  i  n  g*
We immerse ourselves,
In *different reality
And we wake up not knowing
If we already did.
Right now, i just woke up.
"I hope you find someone
Whose presence is enough
To soothe your pain."
I knew,
From the 1st time I saw you,
That I will lose everything,

and none of it will matter. . .
I realized
That I don't mean
What I'm writing here.
Life is made out of
T r i a l   and   e r r o r .
And you always do have a say on
What to try.
L i v i n  g   i s  
K e e p i n g   y o u r s e l f
I n  t e  r e  s t  e d .

of the grea-
test wonders,
You will ever see,
Is a leaf falling while*
L o o k i ng  so  a l i v e,
W h e r e  the  o n l y
re a s o n they
d i e on that
I s

Dumping poems #latepost1
My heart almost fell
Between the  g a p s  of our fingers.

What we pursue in life,
Is definitely two worlds  a p a r t .

It is what you do that I admire.
Those digital art,
Those vivid sketches
Transpiring before my eyes. .

Thats why I said:
It "a l m o s t " fell.

But I caught it when they said,
You are someone who prefer
Grinder, over Tinder.

Then, *Will you be my bestie?
This is a story of a girl
Who likes to sketch
Who saw someone do it better
Oh no, let's term it "best".

This is a story of a girl
Who works very hard..
Who saw someone do the same
He even sleeps later than she can!

This is a story of a girl
who likes someone else
Who thought she can never notice other else
But eventually she did. .

And eventually she failed.

This is a story of a girl.
Maybe, all this time
I was feeling this,
A l l    a l o n e .
. . .
This is not a poem,
But what I feel,
A l l    a l o n g .
You twist those blank words,
As if everything I do
Is all **about you.
You are wrong.  Stop over-assuming,
I am broken into
f  i  s  h  e  s.
Once upon a time
There was a moment
Where  "BUT"  kills an
Entire kingdom of hearts.
Chaos, famine, death!
.  . Took everyone's breath. .
A magic, so compelling
Turned rain into stones
That hit the royal's head.
Crown fell off,
Picks it up with a devious smile.*

From then,
The castle locked gates.
Ive got a weird background music on mind.
I love poetry
But I started writing it
More after
I met your soul saying,
"I wanted to meet yours too."

I've written hundreds,
Pieces I'd never imagined
That others appreciated too.
So, when I realized
That our love is just an idea
I merely invented,
It truly hurts
Knowing that my words
That I turned to colors
Became rainbows
That everyone admires

You gave me a pen.
You gave me a heart.
Without you knowing
How great gift this is
To a soul that assumed
Your heart could belong
To her.

You've done me no wrong.

I loved you, maybe.
But I love poetry.
F e e l i n g s
All that
M a t t e r,
I should've done many things,
B y   n o w.
There are things
I cannot admit to myself,
Lines I couldn't spell.
How far would this go,
I never know.

My heart is*  constricted,
**I      AM    C H O K E D.
When the clock turns 12
I'll end this fairy tale then
Run with both shoes on.
I headed on the wrong ball. It's not even a prince or a man I met.
Lemme go to the 1st page again.
'Coz everyday
I die another day,
With moments
*C  l  o  u  d  i  n  g     b  y .
T  r  u  e       l  o  v  e  
Could subsist,
Without a hug,
Without a kiss,
Just two hearts that co-exist.
Im just waiting . . .
For the right person to come.
To prove to me,
That you're really,
*Not the one.
You've degraded
My meaning of love,
To something,
  S E L F   C O N F I D E N T I A L
*. . .
One line
I'm the same crumpled being,
In the midst of a river.
Floating beneath the midnight skies,
Under the shade of the moon,
I closed my eyes.
Letting myself sink
*D   e   e   p   e   r .
Sometimes, Freedom is
Our words, this piece. Unknown to
Your dear beloved.

To kindle thy hearts
Of carbon souls, who loves but
Chose to be hidden.

Cause slicing thy hearts
We know, the angst of losing
What little we have.

Hoping, that feelings
Befall, we remain numb as
We pen our hearts out.
My heart has gone down the drain
Once resurrected, but then again
But I'm glad
That I turned the water on.
My heart now white,
Keeps bleeding blood,
But yet, overflowing.
I am writing             you were the
. . . . . . . . as if. . . . . . . . .
Last man I will ever love.
Cause all love
I said:

          Love is without  e g o  . .
   but it comes with  s e l f   r e s p e c t.

And so, I said it.  
Just to defend my ego. .
We are but the same,
So do not weep
Even a single tear,
Or a single sigh
We'll just call it  " q u i t s "

This is not love, indeed.
Have you tried to exist
With a twist?
A little garlic
and some cheese?

I call it
G a r l i c  P a r m e s a n
Chicken Wings!
It felt like no one could make me fall,
Ran out of ways,
T o    f i l l    t h e   g  a  p .
Now you're  trapped.
Would you jump?*
Or, wait till
Steps can pass?
You told me,
Not to look for love.
So, should I just look at you and say

"This is not love"?
Too bad, I lost it. Even before finding it.
Wait for it to fade
Then one day you'll just wake up
The habit is gone
Sometimes you thought its love, but it all comes down to something that became a habit without u knowing.
Just realized that
I'm truly not capable
Of falling in love

Because if I am
You should clearly know by now
After I said so

But look, I left you
Coz one day I just woke up
Saying, "whatever".
Love isn't supposed to be reciprocated,
But I want a love that is. . .
Is it too much to ask for?
I've always said that being in a relationship is not because you have reached a certain age, it is because you have found the one worth spending every second of your life with. .
And for me, love that isn't given back to you is a love not given by you.
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