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 Aug 2015 Emily
Marisa Lu Makil
I fall too fast
Crash too hard
Forgive to easy
And care too much
 Aug 2015 Emily

You are the sum of my heart,
*I need add nothing more
 Aug 2015 Emily
Austin Heath
You turn your back on an angel,
and swear you'll set it straight some time.
Sort it out, you guess,
these fangs keep coming back
and this venom burns on contact
curdles the blood.

They never mention that just sometimes
you must rend the body from the serpent's head.

Trust that I know many secrets,
and of those kept, stolen, or borrowed,
the ones I withhold from you
are what strip angels of flight
and leave them in gutters
with alcohol dampening their feathers

too heavy to fly.
 Aug 2015 Emily
Marisa Lu Makil
God made me loving
So I would love everyone

God made me broken
So I could make sure I never break someone else

God made me hurt
So I could heal others

God made me anxious
So I could learn to trust

God made me motherly
For those who don't have one

God made me uncoordinated
So I would know that balance
Is not always physical

God made me compassionate
So I would know his love for us

God made me faithful
So I would know what it's like to be betrayed

God made me insecure
So I could tell others that no one is perfect

God made me human
And uncoordinated that I am

So He could prove to me
That He is stronger than my ups
 Aug 2015 Emily
Jo Hummel
 Aug 2015 Emily
Jo Hummel
One day the moon stepped aside for the sun to take its place.
Apollo had never been bashful, but he dug his heel into the dirt and swore you were the center of the world.
Quite frankly, my dear,
It was only a matter of time before I was drawn to you.

— The End —