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 May 2016 Pia
i s a b e l l a
Do you know the feeling
of sitting in a hospital room
waiting to hear what's wrong with you?
Do you know the feeling
of getting on stage
to talk in front of everyone?
Do you know the feeling
of almost getting in a car accident?
That's what anxiety feels like.
 May 2016 Pia
i s a b e l l a
Dear Fear,
You are a giant that sits on my shoulders
and you always bring a heavy fog with you;
and I don’t understand
how something that’s invisible
could weigh me down so much.
When you’re around,
my thoughts dissipate
except for the most urgent ones
telling me why I can’t do xyz.
I’m a tea kettle,
bubbling and boiling
and screaming at the top of my lungs
yet no one is around to take me off the stove.
Most of the time,
I don’t need your hover,
yet I need you to push me forward
on to a stage,
on to say what needs to be said,
on to live a life
that’s filled with

Dear Hope,
You are the catalyst
that kickstarts an endless marathon
of daydreams;
you’ve toppled my fears
over the edge of the sky
to offer me a clear day;
and you’ve showed me
how I need to believe in myself.
You’re in every word I write,
every syllable I say,
and every move I make.
You unwrapped fear
and inside the envelope
was a reflection
of your spirit.
You also shared with me
that none of this would’ve been possible
without the presence
of fear…

I’ve looked fear and hope in the eyes
and they both share
the same face.
 May 2016 Pia
Nathan Pival
Romantic and sweet
Darling, you make me weak
Never having felt this before
What it really meant to give
Your heart, soul, and passions
What it meant to love someone

For a king to kneel to his queen
Not behind but besides stands she
Until you came into my life
Something had always been missing

It had always been you
Maybe our paths will take separate routes
Or maybe we will travel the same road
I am just glad to have met you on my journey
Because I don't have to continue to search

Not knowing what I was looking for
Was something that ate at me
I didn't understand why I felt empty

Because I have found you and I know that you're out there
The world just doesn't seem that bad of a place anymore

Thankful of our paths having crossed
Of those lips having kissed

Not worried about the destination
But blissful of the journey
Finding you
Instead of forever searching
I was set free
 May 2016 Pia
Michael Blonski
They tried to convince me
that Cadillacs are a valuable

And it's perfectly normal
to erase my imperfections

That water from bottles
are for my health
not to generate

Try to convince me
that eating protein
is the only way to
build a strong man

And that people
can be classified
by their brands

They try to convince me
that they are what I need
but their shackles
cannot lock onto me
 May 2016 Pia
Francie Lynch
 May 2016 Pia
Francie Lynch
It's not natural.
If I can't smell it,
It ain't,
So don't tell me
It's as natural as birth.
You've seen the roadkill,
Deer missing the most natural of parts,
Lying in the strangest contortions;
Heard the bird
Breaking its neck on a window;
Then there's the gaping mouth,
Eyes staring most unnaturally.
To be burned and urned
And feel nothing.
Having a steak and beer
Is natural;
Sitting in sound at a McCartney concert
Is supernatural.
Expensive, but sensient.
But it,
It's most unnatural.
Tip of the cap to Tolstoy for "It" (The Death of Ivan Ilych)
 May 2016 Pia
Daniel Ospina
I Sink
 May 2016 Pia
Daniel Ospina
Water seeping through the cracks of the hull,
Creeping ever so insidiously.
Filling the voids, but my fate is sealed.
I sink.
Resentment floods my thoughts,
Quenching my thirst for vindication,
And I feel that time will cure all, yet…
I sink.
I’m clinging on to flotsam and jetsam
Drifting by, remnants of my pride.
But the waves keep battering, and
I sink.
Seventy times seven is too large of a
Number, or so I think.
How to rid of the anchor tethered to
My heel?
I sink.
Letting go of that anchor, a painful process.
You may have skinned me alive,
But I forgive you.
For if I don’t, I’ll sink to the depths
Of misery…. alone.
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