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Apr 2015 · 923
Uncertain Waters
Phoenix Wilkins Apr 2015
Standing on the edge of uncertainty

She stares down at what’s to come

Her breath is caught by indecision

As she looks on she finds the fear of the future

But when she looks back she knows her past is gone

So she closes her and dives into

The unsteady waves that consume her
Jun 2014 · 3.7k
Phoenix Wilkins Jun 2014
That is what I feel lying beside you
You breath out and I breath in
As soft city lights filter through the curtains
We lay in silence arms and legs draped lightly on one another
As we drift slowly we begin to melt into one beautifully beating heart
In this moment we are perfect
We are not meager human souls that are earnest and unsettling
We are simply souls who know where we belong
Souls that settle into each other without having to struggle to fit
We are a melting mixture of overwhelming warmth
This is love at its finest
Jun 2014 · 337
Phoenix Wilkins Jun 2014
I want you

All of you at once
I want your body mind and soul
I want your endless smiles and piercing stares
I want your anger and despairs
You are not a perfect being but oh if such a thing existed it would be you
I don't mean to contradict but
Loving you is so easy it's difficult
It hurts to see you go but more difficult to see you stay
We are young and you are restless
You are a rocky ship on uncertain waters
Going in whichever direction it takes you
I am simply the gentle wind attempting to guide you toward your destination
With no way to keep you steady

With no intention of keeping you steady
Let me join your journey
And I'll never let you bare the unforgiving oceans alone
We will create a journey all our own
And it will be more amazing then any we could have on our own
Jun 2014 · 3.5k
Diaherrea of the mind at 2am
Phoenix Wilkins Jun 2014
We are not simple nor monotonous
We are the sum of a thousand million living dying existences
Only believe that you are simply you
Because simply being you is an act indefinable
The fact that we are growing yet deteriorating
Breathing yet suffocating
Living yet Dying
All at once is astonishing
This is life
Do not sit here and accept it
Find a way to create yourself
All over again
This really has no relevance to anything my mind just keeps spitting out words so I'm going to let it write until the ink runs out
Jun 2014 · 518
All We Are
Phoenix Wilkins Jun 2014
Oh how wonderful it would be
If You and I became We
If for one night our souls were stripped
Of their protective shells
And only our purest form remained
Unguarded and Shivering
Naked and Unyielding
To the immense force that draws us together
And suddenly
Without choice or trepidation
We crash tremendously
Our energy bursting and creating

The Supernova
The Atomic Bomb

That is now us
All We are, are atoms separated by our casings
Stars parted by years of light
And once We have been released
Set free
The energy is enough to destroy any boundary
That threatened Us before
Jun 2014 · 873
Phoenix Wilkins Jun 2014
Summer hazes and butterfly wings
Fluttering lashes and smooth steaming kisses
Life is simple and love shimmers
Off the sweet dew that drips from their skin
Dry eyes and beautiful guys
Promising worlds they have yet to see
Girls humming love songs wishing upon crying skies
The young are Beautiful and Boundless
Simple and Amazed
By their Perception of Perfection
Runaways find longer days
Until summer nights fade away
And adults they now become
Frozen in perpetual winters
Dreaming of their young summer fun

— The End —