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isabella Oct 2015
It's a blurred line between
Saturday and Sunday
I want to lie in the street
Or down a bottle of wine
The sun sets on the falling leaves
And I sat in the corner
Watching beyond Me
I wish I knew myself
The way I want you to
I wish I wrote love songs
The way I used
I am so bitter now
I've lived 100 years
I loved none more
Than the rest of us did
(Too many or not at all)
Everyone around me is walking in circles
And I'm trapped in an ellipse
Manic to panic to slow to stop
I used to want a quant life
Cherry red door and Pickett fence
Now I'm so restless
I swim without a backbone
I sleep on sticks and stone
I am sad
isabella Sep 2015
where's your ***** mind?
i need it
more than you'd think
you took it and ran
slowly slowly i could've
chased after
now we're leaving each other
all this time to die
do you remember the days and night
and the days and the nights
never ending
till we ended it
you're on a different phase of the moon
but I hope you come back
to whatever this is
(not was)
an eclipse
or blue moon
we've got all this time to die
and I don't want to die
without you
missing u lately
isabella Aug 2015
lower me down
like ice breaking off a cliff
in the frozen sea
and see it crack
just like me

let me down
like a piano tied with wire and string
so tightly
sliding right through
busted seams
just like me

lay me to rest
weep like you're forgiven
let me rot in the summer air
let dirt dance on my tongue
and my eyes fill heavily

and forget the bad dreams
and better yet,
no one likes me especially me
isabella Aug 2015
ask my mother,
she'll tell you.

actually, no,
no she won't.
she good at pretending,

and I am too.

it's impossible to love me
longer than six seconds;

three days,

ask anyone ive ever met.

sticks and stones may break me, but
the silence swallows me whole.

and I love,
I do,

i love a boy like the moon loves the sun,
my father like sand loves the sea.

and now,
now im calling your bluff,
bridges burned, broken knees;

spilling oil ducts
into the brain, into the breeze.
title in WORKS // August 28th @ 2:31am
isabella Aug 2015
butterflies fluttering
everytime i think of
the last time
we met
lets meet again
im thinking of the first time
eyes wide and unknowing
i knew it
did you?
i mwishing waiting wanting more
first times
and some last times too
the last time you saw me like this
i was scared
but not so much
now im past that
onto a new level of fear
to conquer on my own
i don't need a thing
but all i want is
It's a Wednesday
isabella Aug 2015
i screamed into the void
shouted all my secrets
I whispered your name
softly, sweetly, gently, neatly
with a tear down my face
i saw yours in a dream
close to me, breathing
sleeping, soundly
i thought i let go
but your names etched into a boomerang
that'll slice me in the throat
when it comes back
I'm drowning
in all ill never know
isabella Aug 2015
I don't know what I want anymore
God blessed me with sight
But I'm longing to see
Behind the curtains
They're made of red velvet
Deep like blood
Oozing from my pores
From my heart
If I cry
Will I wash the acid
Out of my eyes?
I'm so tainted by my own being
And it swallows me whole
A one-man human centipede
That's no longer
Human at all
i am very sad
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