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Jun 2021 · 120
the tragic art of creation
repressed Jun 2021
anytime i sit down to write something
to express the drowning thoughts inside my head
to build off the last mundane idea i had for a jaw-dropping novel

i quake and tremble in fear of rejection

i can't create without challenging my entire personality
which is to say i am art
but am i art or am i creating myself
and is creating art in it of itself, a masterpiece for a lifetime?

it's ironic we all challenge our ability
to create once we realize we're worth something
how can we recreate the ability to not judge ourselves for the creations we make that are worthy?
am i alone
Mar 2021 · 238
repressed Mar 2021
if given a chance to love them again,
i wouldn't.
i wouldn't trade my right lung for a scrap of affection
i wouldn't give away my morals and idea of consent
for a simple hug and ounce of attention
i wouldn't beg, grasp, or cry just to be told i'm handsome.
i wouldn't allow anything that did get said to me, to be said again.
i can't imagine allowing myself to be treated like ****
for a year because of anyone else, so why did i allow it this time
i can't imagine that i'd ever go back, so please, remind me,
when things get bad again, that i said i'd never go back.
Oct 2020 · 419
april showers
repressed Oct 2020
A soft glow in the air
Precious droplets of clarity
“I can’t believe this happened 3 days in a row.”
Lovely and kind nourishment being spread about

Singing birds and
Howling children
Obviously we can’t treat mother nature this way
What do we do?
Even if she cried tomorrow, we wouldn’t
Really understand why she’s
So unapologetically beautiful when she’s sad.
Oct 2020 · 84
w o r r y
repressed Oct 2020
But what if I don’t make it that long?
I don’t think that’s a good idea, something bad could happen
You have 3 and half minutes until you need to leave
You can’t do that, there’s people. People are bad.
In 2 3
Make sure to cover your scar, no one wants a loser to be near them.
Out 2 3
You’re not good enough.
Hold 2 3
Oct 2020 · 317
a fresh start
repressed Oct 2020
Popping pills, crying over repulsing choices, murdering any feelings of remorse. Despising the conditions of living, conditionally adoring whatever roommate existed at the time. Breaking the vows I took with myself. Listening to the echos of my demons in the walls and windows. My curtains cover all responsibility to world and allow me to be miserable, which I’m impeccably grateful for. Terrified, of what will happen next. Whether it be death, overdose, or psychiatric institutionalization, I don’t want it to happen.
I gave my friend $40 worth of ****, for 10, 25mg Adderall XR pills. I got home and started breaking them apart. I was separating the casing from the stimulant part (small beads to snort.) I then smoked 2 blunts and downed 8 key-sized scoops of Adderall. Which totaled to 6 pills. And then I started to not feel good, like I overdosed. So I messaged a friend hoping she’d know what to do. Well, she called the police. Once I heard the sirens, I ran to the bathroom and snorted the rest of whatever was left. I went to the E.R, was hospitalized for an overdose, and was evicted the morning I came back.
Green grass, gray kitten, millions on millions of art supplies and a dreamy relationship with livelihood. A place of my own exists downstairs and I coexist with others. I cry less often that I need to, and I’m learning to see the beauty in absolutely everything. Coffee tastes best with a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, some whole milk, and a bit of pumpkin spice seasoning. It tastes like fall in a cup and in the spring, it’s the best thing ever. I look outdoors while my eyes glaze upon the curious chickens, demented ducks, and beautiful Bella the German Shepard. I drive to places every now and then, and it always sparks joy. I’m no longer eating whole pizzas and 2 liter’s of soda. I’m running after toddlers and building fires, I’m playing with cats and eating Nutella on graham crackers. I’m okay. Things aren’t perfect. But it’s new. It’s a fresh start.
Oct 2020 · 84
repressed Oct 2020
“See the Buddha on the second floor”
“This heart still beats for you, why can’t you see?”
“I don’t wanna be funny anymore”
“Just give me all your love”
“And I felt like I belonged”
“You were a child”

— The End —