Sing me back home
to where I need to be
sing me a tune of my
tell me a story
of saddened goodbyes
a melody of tears
that we've cried
belt out the words
with no holdin' back
I need reminders
to get me on track
takin' the old worn
railroad bed
hummin' along
with the ones in my head
Oh.. how I long to hear
that lonesome whistle blow
as a haunting old sounds will recall
remind me of how
it all faded away
as each passin' moment
remind me of gladness
sung just yesterday
where I left my heart....
kindly paint me a picture
of each Broken Heart
torn down the middle
in a red Jagged line
color the shades
in a envious green
crooning blue ink
my heart
to remind
Oh... remind me...,
yesterday's dreams
and promises broken
open my ears to
the sounds of Goodbye
force me to listen
to people I'm hurtin'
watch every tear
as it drops when they cry
Oh... how I long ...
to listen
as Sweet Singin' Tunes
will recall
lovely ol' footsteps
of children
dancin' in summer
down vacant Halls
remind me of how
it all faded a-way
of how I got here
with each passing day
hangin' on evr'y word
that you say
in words
with smilin' faces
as my mind returns
as it's slowly
and I .....
remember.... when.
Cherie Nolan © 2016
Lyrics...I think in folk/gospel style....again about Home with Love from Vermont