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PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
To be a hero to someone
There will always be a villain found in you
By someone else -
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
You stand in a field of dandelions and see weeds
But I stand there with you and see a field of dreams
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
Your veins are my roots
I’m just an attachment to you

and it is through you that I feel this earth

I only feel what is real when I feel you -
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
I walked as far as I could
Off the beaten path
Between the weeds and overgrowth

Next to the river
I found a fountain
I found a spot that felt like home

I stayed just to listen
To feel my heart beat once again
I forgot what it was like to feel alive

I don't know how to be me
More like me
The girl I know is trapped inside
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
I’d like to take this moment to say
That I’m amazed by your bravery every day
I’m amazed by your talent and your use of word
In awe of your speech and view of the world
Impressed by your courage, it humbles me so
The emotions you share in such poetic flow
I’m inspired by your mind, your fearless spirit
Thank you for sharing, so that we all may read it.
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
Why?  She asked
Why do you love me?
Because,  He said
Because you’re all I’ve ever known
You’re the sun on my skin in the winter morning
You’re breath is my hope, so I inhale you
You’re my smile in a nightmare
You speak love to me in your fingertips
Smother me with your silk hair in the morning
I destroy everything I touch
And you grow flowers from the ash
I don’t know how you do it
You’re contagious and I caught you
I don’t know how to do anything
Except love you
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