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Pam Zaragoza May 2016
He wasn't afraid to lose her.
She was all his.

-10 word story (p)
Pam Zaragoza Jan 2016

you may be farther


my love will never falter.

i'll be waiting patiently

for you to come home to me.
Pam Zaragoza Jan 2016
you fell in love with his eyes,

and then his face.

you fell in love with his laugh,

and then the sound of his voice.

you fell in love with his quirk,

and then all of his flaws.

you fell in love with his present,

and then with his past as you knew more.

you fell in love with his brokenness,

and then his whole.

you fell in love with the idea of him,

and then with him.

Pam Zaragoza Dec 2015
you have my heart.

you have all of me.

forever, always.

-10 word story (p)
Pam Zaragoza Dec 2015
I will love you like

how milk

diffuses with coffee;

purveying, beautiful,

and warm.

I will love you like

how a dog

loves his master;

honest, loyal,

and pure.

I will love you like

how the Earth

revolves around the sun;

scalding, vibrant

and just as important.

I promise I will love you

like no other.

I will love you,

you wouldn't look for another.

I love you.

*I already do.
Pam Zaragoza Nov 2015
She dreamt of him

wishing and hoping that

she'd get to brush her lips against his

without fear of waking up

and realizing that this was just

another dream.

She longed for him

with tears on her pillows,

clutching her chest,

willing her heart to stop aching.

She found him

the man of her dreams;

the man she'd always wanted.

But he's thousands of miles

away from her.

She loves him

with all of her heart..




Pam Zaragoza Nov 2015
I don't want you.

I need you.

I don't like you.

**I love you.
This is the day that I finally said those three words. Those three words that I've been always scared to utter. At last, I've finally had the courage to tell the love of my life, "I love you."
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