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The neighbor watches
As my face contorts in pain again
He waits to see what I reach for
The pain meds that don’t really work
Or a pillow to drown out my sobs
Sometimes I see his kids little hands
Peeking through the curtains
I wonder if they all wonder
What the hell is wrong with me.
I want a release
A time for my mind
To not feel so guilty  
A time my heart does not
want to bust out of my chest
Or if my heart does want to explode
Let it be with the gleeful happiness
That comes from a hallucinogenic high
Let the pain slip away my hips
Find the rhythm they fell out of touch with
Several years and years ago
Let my glazed eyes feel the sunrise in an
Abandoned alleyway without knowing where I am
Let me never worry again about family
About the pitfalls of love
Let me join you uncle
In a ditch chasing the high
This world only gives to the users
I was always so disappointed in you
Wiping out just like that .
You promised you were clean
But it seems our hearts are just one and the same.
empty soulless eyes
a face under a disguise
all wrapped in a pretty lie
so tell me why I still cry
Blood dripping onto my pillows
As I try to escape this reality
The colorful pill diet
Waterboarding me between sleep
And an existential crisis.
I think a demon will come in tomorrow
He’ll probably be wearing a suit and tie
Maybe he’ll sit down for some coffee
And we’ll make pleasantries as the day goes by.
Oh there I’m wandering again.
My mind is slipping.
Hysteria has got me in her cage.
I hope I can hang on enough
To cull my life before I lose
More of myself in the rubble of this brick and mortar.
please please please please
help me
i am not okay
I don’t know why my life falls apart
I lost my only good luck charm
I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.
please somebody save me
the floor is full of holes
I’m falling. I’m falling. I’m falling.
please. please. please.
the devil has a hold on me.
god hasn’t heard my prayers.
is there someone who can rescue me?
I float
Between destinations
My physical body
Worn down and aching
My spiritual side nonexistent
I fear they’ve crossed over
And have left me here
An empty bag of bones
Arriving at your door.
For a long time I took refuge in you
Nothing mattered except my tear stained cheeks
And heart palpitations from grief
The throw up bottle in my car
For when my stomach wanted to be as empty as my arms.
The brands on my legs to stop keep myself from crying.
Now I choose me.
And whoever I am with you
Bringing melancholy to my every step.
Let your reach spread into my new memories
Paint a world showing the impossible pursuit of happiness.
I will not fight you off.
I will be your comforting friend.
The hug the others refuse to give you.
Come sadness.
Let us take steps forward.
Afraid and sad.
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