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 Dec 2015 ella
 Dec 2015 ella
bathed in moonlight
stirring stars
silent river beds.
Aquarius is the water carrier a woman with a pitcher of water
 Dec 2015 ella
Melisha Landreth
He is Capricorn
I am Aquarius
He is Mars
I am Venus
He is analytical and practical
I am intuitive whimsy emotional
He is structure and rules
I am freedom and going with the flow
He is kids house ring white picket fences
I am spur of the moment camp outs and never settling
He wants to be on a white horse
I climbed down from that tower a long time ago

Or so I thought...

Because when his hand brushes mine, a chance meeting, all that I thought I knew melted for a second and I could see a Life doing it the Capricorn way

He is Capricorn
I am Aquarius
One chance meeting made me aware we could be something serious
What will happen to our two zodiac signs?

One chance meeting
I leave it all behind
First poem on this new site. I have been writing since October. I like to sit in coffee shops and make up stories about me and strangers. :)
 Oct 2014 ella
 Oct 2014 ella
it makes no sense
how you tousle with my fragile heart.  
you have all these hearts in the palm of your hand yet you always seem to want mine more.  
it makes no sense
how you kiss her goodbye just to kiss me hello, you have her already why do you need me too?
it makes no sense
how you love her but you're in love with me, love isn't like this.
it makes no sense*
how I know exactly what you do,
but I stay, I let you use and take from me knowing how deeply in love with you I am.
 Oct 2014 ella
Sam E Brouillette
I still love you dear
But I have another girl's moan
Ringing through my ears.
 Oct 2014 ella
Heather Wright
Once a cheater always a cheater
That’s what I have always heard
Some say its absurd
Some say that’s only true with repeaters
So what are you?
A repeater?
Or just a one time cheater?
What should I do?
You have proved you’re untrustworthy
But can I trust you ever again?
You’re stuck in my brain
But thinking like this isn’t healthy
I love you
But you lied to me
My brain says to flea
I am afraid my heart will not pull through
 Oct 2014 ella
It took me by surprise as she pulled my tie
The feelings of her fingers
Felt intense beyond all boundaries
I try to push her away

The gentle caress turn into
concentrated acts of inducement
Loss of stability in satisfaction

Two hearts beating rapidly
Her legs are beyond me
The sounds escaping her mouth
Leaves me in a trance

Ever shifting time cursed me
The love of my life
Stood there watching...

The whole time

— The End —