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Raiyaan Mahbub
Dhaka, Bangladesh    Inspire me.
let me express something that is lethal to your mind
Xan Abyss
Palm Springs, CA    I sing/write lyrics for a band, if you like my words, you MIGHT like my music (probably not though). Check us out on facebook Https:// ...
Aaron Knockovich
Chelsea, MI    Does anybody want to help me write a bio?
Wardell Lee Freeman
Las Vegas    Anyone can write a poem, most people can be poets, but not everyone can paint a picture with words that vividly captures a moment of ...
A Mareship
United Kingdom    "Don't cover my eyes for my fears are trapped beneath my eyelids.. And for each fallen eyelash is a wish for greater freedom." © Sia ...
calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are ...
Samantha Louise
Lewiston Maine    I'm Sam and I have a long story.
The business of being at the age between adolescent and adult is quite comically a dirty oxymoron; Because while you feel like you're see-sawing between ...
my name is Jon, most of the poetry i produce is dark. I don't know what else to say....
MaryJane Doe
Colorado    Hello Hello I like to rhyme You'll find a lot of that in my poetry Born and raised on green eggs and ham I am ...
Libra / INFP / Borderline Personality Disorder / WI / 18 / Instagram- @chloe.1.8
Life's a Beach
20/Gender Questioning/.    I wish there was a full moon every night, it's been so long since a saw that light. (that's a car seat headrest song). Me ...
London    I hope you like the poems. - I sometimes post stories with music onto this.
Jamie Ann Shields
florida    I love to draw and write down ideas for characters. It's a goal of mine to move to New York and find a way to ...
Mostly numb
In my mind    je peux vous aime mais vous êtes tout simplement pas la peine ma chérie et je me souviens comment j'ai gardé espoir tout allait s'arranger ...
Gigi Tiji
San Antonio Texas    My poetry is like the wind, it changes directions constantly. I have learned so very much over the past several years which has broadened my ...
Humboldt County Ca.    Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of ...
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