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Oleg Snapirsky Aug 2016
But how should I put such a thing into words?
I don't want and I understand
You are my eyes after all and I their windows

First of all I'll tell you what it's like:
I tend to find myself inside a room without any walls
a jungle of volcanoes emitted by my sea
I walk alone with my hand by my side
listen to the entering air and to the contraction of the mass
you will be within

But how should I put such a thing into words?
I don't want and I understand
You are my eyes after all and I their windows

Second of all I'll tell you what it's not
it's not complex and cryptic as I've said before
though we're only just starting
you are not different and you're not alone
you are not for me to change or to ******
your own is welcome on my hands
lend me your waves, which are your thoughts

But how should I put such a thing into words?

last of all its the ability to create an openness
which is a son to the first and a daughter to the second
cry for me, I'll tell you, and then kiss you
I don't want it back and I understand your self
tell me you can say to me thunders and fjords
I am here
I am your eyes after all and you their windows
Oleg Snapirsky Aug 2016
I was told that I am at peace
I guess I am not even stressed out
But.. maybe it's a different kind of quietness
maybe it's a fear which I am keeping under my arms
Well that's not very good then

Accept your next few steps
Consider each outcome
Choose the one you fear
Do your thing
You are OK
Oleg Snapirsky Aug 2016
As dawn walked away from the bus station she left behind a few drops of sunlight for me to find.
At first I could not dare to touch them for they were far too bright.
It's funny how things happen when you don't try.
When I tried to look for them they were already dry.
The bus arrived a few minutes ago but I did not take it.
Staring at it speeding away into the abyss of the mountain, I pretended to wait for the next one.

As noon came I decided to take a little walk.
The sun is way up emitting white, yet the wind is rather a sweet color blue.
It seems that I always take this walk when I'm alone.
Taking time to feel the streets and let the nature be my compass.
I can't help but look up to the sky from time to time.
The clouds are starting to uncover up my eyes, I pretended to wait for the next one.

As dusk seduced me into her path I blindly followed through.
However, wearing a fake smile is difficult at times.
Upon noticing myself, my eyes knelt down towards the pavement,
unnerved she decided to leave me there by station 172.
What I saw was a single drop of a faded light.
I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow, I can't pretend to wait for the next dawn.
Oleg Snapirsky Aug 2016
It is as if, like fleeting stardust, we swiftly dissolved into the nightly sky.
A shining fiery brightness, much brighter than any of the others before us.
Our warmth intertwined, your breath matched mine.
Falling together and apart.
If our trail would have been a bit longer, my wish would be to have another night alone,
just us.

It is as if, like fleeting stardust, you swiftly dissolved into the nightly sky.
Your red flocks mesmerized my nostrils, your greens expanded my blacks.
Though your scent escapes me at dusk. Your neck returns to me, my dawn.
If your trail would have been just a bit longer, my wish would be to tell you
"I would have preferred being a happy memory, rather than a sad one".

It is as if, like fleeting stardust, I swiftly dissolved into the nightly sky.
Awake next to your absence, asleep next to your dust.
Scattered across the ocean of distant suns I ache to be drifting once again, along side you. One day you might tell me that I am a happy memory. Well then, if your trail would have been a light longer, my wish would be to ask you "then why am I so ******* sad?"
Oleg Snapirsky May 2015
Are you laying here beside me or is it yet another hollow bus?
Not fussed by your silence I linger in my sea of thoughts. Through memories and clouds I drift.
Your words are a resonating light to my windows.
Ruby ticker in one fist and a purple smile in the rest. Shattered glass and wet curtains fill all four rooms.
The bus stops.
I stroke your hair away from your neck sneaking a bite and a whiff of warmer days.
Looking into your whole I notice you said:
"you've missed your bus". Together we step out hand in hand, my light and your shadow. Slowly fading. Slowly realizing. No more buses.
Oleg Snapirsky May 2015
I lay down on the turquoise bed, and treasure the air inside my lungs.

It was the prettiest of lagoons.
A volcano's jaw sweet sister.
I drifted inside it.
A part of it.
My eyes are it's eyes.

Gazing I witnessed a second lagoon.
Same sharp rocks surround it.
A perfect blue still as the sounds around me.
But in my stead pillows were moving away.

A certain sight even imagination cannot conjure.
I would lay with her forever, so softly being held.

She is my sweet bird of happiness.
Oleg Snapirsky Apr 2015
How can you worry while sitting on a porch. Maybe its the green mountains over in the distance. Or perhaps the painting of a sky right above them. I sit and wonder is there a more relaxing sun than this.

How can you worry while sitting on a porch. Maybe its the silent sea of rice fields or the feasting giant buffaloes seeking some mud and some peace. No, it must be the rivers. Must be the deafening violence of a sound emitted by the steel motors of wooden boats. Shattering a window of bliss but never touching me.

Sitting on this porch I wonder why can't I see the same back home.

— The End —