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 Jul 2013 Madison Small
 Jul 2013 Madison Small
sometimes I trace the bottoms
of my fingers and down my palm,
I draw circles around my wrists

silently reminding myself
that there are no cracks,

that I am whole.

I run my eyes along the ceiling,
scanning desperately for a sign,
thinking maybe ghosts carved their names

between the ridges and the miniature shadows.
I sink my head into my pillow,

hoping maybe I will get
swallowed without a sound,
and I will drown,

like I almost did when I was eleven,

and I banged my ribs and burned my lungs
with black, dead water.

sometimes I have these moments alone

where your slow breathing
still won't calm me, not even the humming
of planes gliding through sky.

its 5:40 AM and my world is silent
but my mind is screaming.
you are fragile
and the boy in the year above you calls you fat
and the girl in the row behind says you look like a rat
and you sit and think about it for a few minutes
minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days
and soon you've lost track of the last time you ate
and soon you've become obsessed with your weight
you forgot what colour your skin used to be
because your arms are covered in red lines
and you cry all the time

you are fragile
and the girl in the hospital bed groans
she is short and she is thin,
skin and bones
this girl is you
and there is only one thing you need to do
but again, all you can do is cry
all you hear the doctor do is sigh
you hear the boy in the year above has died
drunk with a car, an upsetting fate
and the girl in the row behinds period is late
when was the last time you ate?

you are fragile
and the man in the street smiles
he stares for a while
he soaks up any sadness
laughs at your jokes
you are happy -
you remember what colour your skin was
and the last time you ate
because he has fixed you

*you are not fragile
but i'm not 'okay' enough to ask
 Jul 2013 Madison Small
Amy Leigh
apricots and cigarette smoke:
your smile is infectious.
heat leaking through the little slit in the
window: melt like cool frosters on
a hot summer day - melt
into me
lets become solvent
in this little
car; (I wouldn't mind.)

combine together, like our parents
and parents before them. molecular;
everything, anything -
we are science.

I am not afraid, it is
who takes the air from
my gasping lungs; - look!
at his beauty; divine.

© A. Leigh
 Jul 2013 Madison Small
4 types
 Jul 2013 Madison Small
there are beautiful people
those who are easy on the eyes
for a moment we all fall in love
for that single eye contact we are all happy sailors
over the moon and the stars

yet they never last too long
just that forever of a second

there are kind people
those who give everything and more for the sake of others
who share when they are starving
who smile when their world has fallen apart

yet they are abused
people take advantage of them and stomp on their fragile hearts
and leave them broken

there are brave people
standing for justice, for law, for happiness
they perish everything

yet they are dead
the cause they have lived for only turns
into the ashes and dust
cadaver 6ft underground

there are dreamers
they say but never do
they think but never reach

they live and die content
unknown geniuses the world has missed

the world is cruel
yet the beauty, kindness, bravery, and genius still do exist
yes they do

the only problem is that these qualities
are poisoned by the very human nature that longs for them to exist
which one are you?
 Jul 2013 Madison Small
The hardest thing is to love someone who is afraid to be loved.

All you want is to run to them and hold them.
You want their soft lips on yours,
while you pull them in closer and kiss all the beautiful and broken parts of them.

but they just push you away no matter how hard you try. because when it comes down to it
the questing,
do you love me?
is the most terrifying one to be asked

so they run

but real love doesn't just go away,
so you sun after them and hope that eventually their lungs will long for air and their legs will get heavy with exhaustion.

and you'll be the only one who can give them breath again
and the only one strong enough to hold up their weary body

for now you are caught in an endless chase
not willing to give up
no matter how much love tears us apart
we keep going because in the end it will be worth it.

at least we hope it will.
i'm no good at poetry. sorry.
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