It's not that I hate you
It's I hate the way it all played out
I hate that I felt used
I hate that I had felt hope
I hate that you ruined everyone else for me
I hate that I can't love someone that same way I loved you
Like the world was gonna crash down around me without your kiss
I hate that you still make me rethink every choice I make
Is it morally sound
Is it logical
Will I regret it right after
You did so much damage
Even during the parts you weren't even in my life
The emptiness of not having you then made me do so many bad things
The absolute dread of the day to day without you use to drive me crazy
That's one thing that's improved
I know how to live without you
I know how to miss you and not love you
I know how to hate you and not hate you all at once
You're the start to my story
Even if it was already in the middle
Reading the story of my life is like reading a book that isn't very interesting until a few chapters in and then you can't help but keep reading to see how it ends. The exciting parts are where you stepped in and then finally out.