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when you get depression your mind goes in a whirl
you roll up in a ball and in a corner curl
everything is black the lights have all gone out
happiness has gone left your mind in doubt.

you dont know what to do.  your left in despair
and you need somebody but nobody is there
but you still have will waiting there inside
to turn it all  around and get back your pride.

make you smile again like it used to be
to take it all away and be depression free
We stop and pray
For the sick and
Suffering today
And we light a candle
For them every night and
We pray for the people
Of Afghanistan tonight
And that the Lord Jesus Christ
Watches over them every
Day and every night and
We'll pray for the sick and
Suffering in Afghanistan every day
Amen Lord Jesus Christ.

David P Carroll.
I Was Asked To Write A Prayer For Afghanistan. ❤️
 Sep 2021 Jennifer DeLong
There were days
I remembered
To put my heart on my sleeve.

The other days
I hid it
So deep inside my body
I couldn’t find it for myself.

The terror of anyone finding
Me judging me
Seemed to linger in the air
I inhaled.
Life began well nourished after breaking the fertile ground
Patriots shouldered their rifles in crisp salutation
Soldiers joyously gathered around , Marching bands played-
musical testimonials , the sound carried throughout-
every town
The Apple Tree was Liberty
She grew strong an bore the fruit of Freedom
The citizens selfishly gorged on every bountiful harvest
Day upon day , Year after year till one day when-
the spoils of government could not be reached ...
Her bounty died on the vine , rotted then fell to the earth
In a fit of megalomania, bureaucratic fertilizer exalted her to reach the Heavens but she was so denied ..
Aloof and deaf to the clamor and pain of her citizens
In her dying day she lay felled by the keepers sworn to-                  
her defense , now a page in history on the wrongs of nationalistic -government , the "Star of the Grove" with all her promise and good intent came and went with a painful end ...
Copyright September 2 , 2021 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
test me
my waters have remained constant
rippling, reaching
as far as the eye can see
into the horizon; the water surrounds me
my knowledge is useless
when drowning in these waters;
i can only flail desperately
as my movements create ripples
out into the open sea
all these efforts
all in vain
all in my vein
blood rushing out
like the sea, light then heavy
then strong
like the sea, with a strong smell of salt
this time, the waters are red
and they reek of iron

test my waters
they’ve been stained crimson
with my lifeline
exam week got me in a bad light
Mysteries surround me everywhere,
those incomprehensible puzzles;
Which take me to the oddest places,
in my mind, I'm quite befuddled !

Throughout my youth I was lonely,
hiding away in the attic with books;
And music that would assuage misery,
every evening I crawled through nooks.

I recall how mesmerized I could be,
by the power of the written word;
I sought to write about my torment,
but was afraid I wouldn't be heard.

With the wafting of each musical strain,
it was easy to imagine and pretend;
I'd hum along with pristine tunes,
sending my heart into such a spin !

I'm still that shy person who wanders about,
with visions swirling through my head;
Yet somehow despite my complex existence,
within me, there's no fear nor dread.

Befuddled as I may always be,
the language of love and life will endure;
I'll see a sign posted on the road one day,
beckoning me toward an open door !
 Aug 2021 Jennifer DeLong
They asked me
''How did you get over him?''
''How did you get over him so quickly?"
I smiled and I laughed
A crazy laugh
I cried and I laughed
A silent cry
A crazy laugh
I told them
"I tricked my heart into believing that I didn't  need him."
The brain knows the truth, the heart is a sucker for love songs.
I'm watching my every single step
I'm careful not to stumble and fall
One stone on the road
could lead to a landslide
And one broken bone
could ruin it all
I'm watching my every single move
I'm careful not to scare you away
The faintest blow
could lead to a hurricane
And one wrong word
could be the last thing I say.
You love abusing me
You love telling me what to do
Your servant
You love when I do the dishes
"Because I know how to do them right"
Because you hit me when I did them "wrong"
and you hit me when the other kids wouldn't wash them at all

You love it when someone takes care of you
You conditioned me to be the perfect caregiver
For you
You love codependence
You love yourself

You don't realize that you don't love me
You grieve for me
You grieve, because it's not easy
To live without
A fulltime caregiver
A fulltime maid
A fulltime cook

It took me a long time to learn what love is
I love my Husband
I love his smile, his brilliant eyes, and that he hugs me
when I'm feeling down
I love listening to him get excited
about weird and pointless things
I love seeing him happy, with or without me
I love that we are on the same team
Team "Us", both of us

You can tell me "I Love You" everyday
for the rest of  your life
but you are only lying to yourself
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