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Mar 2019 · 548
Nora Mar 2019
Running through the emerald grass
Blades tickling my bare feet gently
The sky is a blue eternity above
Sunlight streaming down brightly
Hair streaming behind me as I run
Grin taking over my youthful face.
Where am I running? Who knows!
It’s enough to feel the sensation
Of prickly grass on my shoeless feet
Some of it dead from the summer heat.
Who am I running with? Who knows!
Anyone who chooses to follow
Can run through the backyard with me
So long as their hearts are full of glee.
Why am I running? Who knows!
Do you really need a reason
To sprint and feel the crisp breeze
Running under branches and around trees.
When am I running? I know.
I am running back when I was young
Running where no tasks are daunting
No hearts are hurting, no eyes are crying
I am running in the good old days
Running straight towards the future.
Feb 2019 · 201
Does That Mean
Nora Feb 2019
If the sky is blue
Does that mean that there
Are no clouds on the horizon?
If the sun is bright
Does that mean that the
World is not full of darkness?
If the grass is green
Does that mean that
Nothing bad has happened there?
If the world is sad
Does that mean that there
Is no such thing as happiness?
Feb 2019 · 263
Nora Feb 2019
A secret tear falls down my cheek
A silent reminder that I am weak.
The darkness seems to invade my room
Turning from a sanctuary to a tomb.
Betrayals keep me up at night
Hopeless love is my only light.
Feb 2019 · 189
Nora Feb 2019
The girl in the mirror the girl that I see,
She is not who I want to be.
I want to have strength, I want to be strong,
I want to be a leader, not play along.
I want to have love, I want a friend,
Who doesn’t think secrets are money to spend.
I want to be tall, I want to be slim,
I want my eyes to be bright, not dim.
Shining like emeralds with pearly stars,
And have my wrists be free of scars.

— The End —